However, to give the quickest of recaps; a shocking goal is when you set yourself a target that when you tell other people about they either laugh or tell you not to be so silly, or even better - you tell yourself not to be so silly!
A few of weeks ago I began a shocking goal to learn the art of stand-up comedy with the wonderful Stand-Up & Deliver group in London.
Whilst enjoying more laughs doing the silliest things during the first 5 meetings, a few surprising lessons have occurred to me;
- I didn't realize how different stand-up comedy is as opposed to making people laugh at various points during another kind of performance, such as training, or singing. In stand-up there's just the comedian, the microphone and the audience - no power point slide show, exercises, music or song to back you up - just you and your joke.
- Whilst I expected and looked forward to being challenged and working in my stretch zone, I've become aware how 'stretch' can mean different things at different times. Reading aloud lines-in-progress not yet finished or particularly funny is a challenge in itself.
- Meeting 20 like minded people also doing the course, and finding that whilst we are different comedy is a great thing to have in common. The support and fun we share, having a drink afterwards, and meeting up from time to time to discover other new comedy is brilliant.
The showcase is coming up in early December and I'm now at the point where I need to get serious about writing good comedy. The others are already coming up with more and more really funny material, and that in itself is challenging me to do the same.