Specificity is the name of the game!
It's a given that all business owners and entrepreneurs want to attract new business, but how many of them actually have a plan of action? As previously discussed on this blog and in articles on my website, having or creating a systematic approach will help you achieve more.
In developing such an approach, one of the first questions to ask yourself is: 'who do I want my future ideal client to be'? The more specific you can be with this, the more likely it will be you will attract that client towards you.
'You can't hit a target you can't see!'
A few facts to support the benefit of knowing your future preferred client(s):
• Knowing the person or the type of people you most want to meet, be introduced to, work with, and then have as your ideal client will give you the longest term, most sustainable source of business revenue.
• Statistically, 80% of the revenue we generate comes from 20% of our client base – yet many businesses instead market themselves to the 80% that will contribute only 20%.
• Investing an hour or two over the next week to profile your ideal client will be time well spent.
Let me know what you will do NOW to highlight who you want your future ideal client to be.