Friday, 6 November 2009
New Year, New You! Coaching

Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Shocking Goal (update)

However, to give the quickest of recaps; a shocking goal is when you set yourself a target that when you tell other people about they either laugh or tell you not to be so silly, or even better - you tell yourself not to be so silly!
A few of weeks ago I began a shocking goal to learn the art of stand-up comedy with the wonderful Stand-Up & Deliver group in London.
Whilst enjoying more laughs doing the silliest things during the first 5 meetings, a few surprising lessons have occurred to me;
- I didn't realize how different stand-up comedy is as opposed to making people laugh at various points during another kind of performance, such as training, or singing. In stand-up there's just the comedian, the microphone and the audience - no power point slide show, exercises, music or song to back you up - just you and your joke.
- Whilst I expected and looked forward to being challenged and working in my stretch zone, I've become aware how 'stretch' can mean different things at different times. Reading aloud lines-in-progress not yet finished or particularly funny is a challenge in itself.
- Meeting 20 like minded people also doing the course, and finding that whilst we are different comedy is a great thing to have in common. The support and fun we share, having a drink afterwards, and meeting up from time to time to discover other new comedy is brilliant.
The showcase is coming up in early December and I'm now at the point where I need to get serious about writing good comedy. The others are already coming up with more and more really funny material, and that in itself is challenging me to do the same.
Onwards!Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Setting Shocking Goals

Monday, 28 September 2009
New plans!!
I'm going to be developing a completely new venture with regards my coaching consultancy, and even though it's too early to say what it is now, I do intend for this blog to be the first place I will announce it's arrival - which hopefully will be before Christmas.
I'm also beginning something else for myself next week, which I will tell you more about next week! Just to say that for now I'm both excited and so completely in my 'stretch zone' it's unreal! More soon.
PS: If you were one of the attendees at my workshop this weekend for The Coaching Academy in London West One, thank you so much for being there and helping make the energy soooo special.
Hugs to all xx
Sunday, 28 June 2009
Never having been what I'd call a real devoted fan, I've found myself looking back and realizing how much of his music is etched in my memories; fond times with people I love - what I call 'magic moments'.
It is a rare gift to have written and sung the soundtrack to so many people's most special times, and that for me will be Michael Jackson's lasting legacy. Some of my magic moments and best memories of Michael's music include:
- Christmas 1979 in New York dancing to 'Rock With You'.
- Seeing the 'moonwalk' for the very first time.
- Watching the TV premier of 'Thriller'.
- Rushing home from school as a teenager to watch 'The Jackson 5' TV show.
- Michael singing 'ABC' as a youngster... the list just goes on.
Of course, I've been shocked by the 'Wacko Jacko' persona through the years, and even though I'm sure some of it was 'smoke and mirrors', some more of it was probably true.
However, what he gave us was wonderful music, great entertainment, and a few surprises along the way, though maybe what he lost (or at least missed out on along the way) was his childhood and youth, real friendship, and knowing what it was like to grow up into the person he never became - a truly adult Michael Jackson.
It seems he paid a very heavy price for his fame.
I'm sure the sideshows to his life will carry on in the shape of courtroom dramas, speculation of what really happened at the end, not-to-mention trying to discover who the real Michael Jackson really was.
However, best of all we're left with his music.I hope you're lucky enough to have some of his music as a soundtrack to one or two of your own magic moments.
'Thank you, Michael - God bless'.
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
New online course is launched!!

- Communication, if you've read the 'biog' page of my website, is dear to my heart as well as being my number one value. Because I had a severe stutter until my mid 20's, being able to savour easy, good quality communication became my life's ambition - and I guess explains much of the drive behind my coaching practice.
- Nowadays, as a Master Practitioner and Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), I've long been excited to share the varying ideas and solutions that come from such a fascinating study of excellence. Often known as 'the user's guide for the brain', and 'the science of communication', I knew very quickly that this new ecourse would include much of what I've learnt in NLP.
- After working with over 1,600 people in a one-on-one coaching capacity, as well as many thousands more during my workshops, I know the one thing that keeps us alive is the communication we have with those around us. We are social creatures. We thrive on interaction, and on one of the most basic levels we NEED love from others to survive.
So, in short, communication is important.
If you want to read more, you can by visiting my website, signing up for my FREE eNewsletter 'Your Best Life' (now in it's 6th year), reading about and by buying 'Communication Skills Upgrade'.
After all, what else do you think you could achieve in your life with even better communication skills?
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Busy times and quiet moments

Friday, 15 May 2009
Communication & Eurovision
This week I've had so much fun watching the Eurovision Song Contest semi finals in Moscow. Having missed the show for many years I finally caught up with it again last year, and whilst there are still the odd (?) entries - which can often be among my favourites, it's fantastic how seriously the participating countries take the contest.
Last year, as well as the obvious winner 'Believe' (the Russian entry, which was excellent) I loved the wackiness of the French & Spanish songs, one arriving on stage in a golf cart, holding a beach ball throughout (male & female backing singers sporting false beards to mimic his), and the other in full prosthetic nose, chin and huge quiff as if like a cartoon character. Both songs did well, and both scoring far more than most of the more traditional pop/ballad song.
This year all eyes are on Moscow. As last years winner it's their duty to stage this years event, and they've put together an amazing stage in their Olympic arena - and Mikey's 'top tips' for the 2009 show include Iceland, Moldova, UK, Bosnia-Hercegovina, and Finland.
The most amazing thing for me watching this show (with friends, a few bottles of wine, a nice meal and a large serving of humour) is the vastness of it all. More than 500 million people also tune in to watch this live - that's communication on a massive scale.
Whether we take Eurovision seriously or with a giggle, one thing is certain; tomorrow night a large chunk of the Euro population will be feeling patriotic, marveling at the spectacle (Russia have spent more than £30 million on this show), and simply enjoying the music - which after all is one of the best ways to communicate there is.
United Kingdom, 12 points!
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Having A Dream

Thursday, 7 May 2009
When we just have to do it
Monday, 4 May 2009
When Fun Isn't Fun
Interestingly, watching these two back-to-back flicks highlighted something I'd forgotten a while; the fine line separating fun from something else that isn't.
'State of Play', a tough Washington political thriller really is a ride through the fact/fiction of what can happen when big business meets politics. Sounds heavy I know, yet this really is a brilliant, fun couple of hours.
'In The Loop', is on the face of it another political satire/comedy. Yet this one was so close to reality (run-up to Iraqi war, weapons of mass destruction, blah, blah, blah) that the over-the-top acting proved anything but funny. I found it just plain nasty. We all have an idea how politics can be a dirty business, though did I really need to see it for 2 hours dressed up as entertainment? No.
Friday, 1 May 2009
Keeping focus

On one level I should be feeling quite tired, though if I keep my eye on getting enough sleep, eating well, and having some fun time factored in I should be fine (and I am fine).
On a deeper level, and this is an idea I usually share with clients and workshop delegates alike, what we also do is exchange energy; with each other, with our environment, and yes with the Universe, too. If you've seen the movies 'The Secret' or 'What The Bleep Do We Know' you'll have a greater understanding of this.
In a nutshell, if everything is an exchange of energy, and the intention of that energy matters (positive or negative), then that means we have so much more control over our day and the type of day we have than we ever thought possible. With that knowledge, and responsibility, we can then ask ourselves bigger questions, such as; what is it I really want my life to be about?
Better questions result in better answers, always.
Physically, I'm feeling a little tired today after a busy week - but what a week it's been; brilliant, full of fantastic people! Hence I feel pretty energized, and this afternoon my intention is to relax a little and enjoy the Spring weather.
Keeping focus isn't always about work and targets. Sometimes focus is remembering to take care of yourself; nurturing and relaxing - all part of the energy inside.
Anyone else relaxing as well today, my energy is with you xx
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Welcome back...

- Keep you up-to-date with what's going on in my world.
- Let you know when I'm doing workshops, and generally being out-and-about.
- Pass on any nuggets of wisdom, fun tips, ideas and entertainment I come across from other bloggers out there.
Today is an office 'feng shui' day - making sure energy is flowing well, which includes replying to emails/phone calls, catching up with a journalist re an article he's researching, getting to grips with a couple of new computer software programmes I've recently bought.
It's a wonderful sunny day in London, which is good as I'm attending a Spring Party in Harley Street later this evening - music and chat, champagne & canapes (yum).
Hugs to all xx