Thursday, 7 May 2009

When we just have to do it

Having coached and worked with so many people, including myself, I still believe we all know just what it is we want to do, whether it's to become an airline pilot, author, professional athlete, or open a business. Some then take consistent massive action, whilst others sit back and wait for inspiration to wash in and carry them forwards on a wave of euphoria.

But what happens when the wave doesn't come, or we have a quiet day?

This is when we need a 'plan b' - a 'just do it' attitude to help us work through what we need to do anyway. The effectiveness of 'plan b' is often what separates those that do achieve success, from those who would like to.

Do you have a 'plan b'?

For example: Today I have a lot of writing to do (newsletter, ebook, and new online programme to edit). Yet when I woke up this morning it was a 'plan b' kind of day. Sure, I feel lucky, blessed and happy to be able to do what I do, including having the time to do it, yet today has not begun with that wave of inspiration. So I do it anyway.

From experience, I know the upside might possibly be 'just doing it' helps the inspiration kick in in a flurry.

'Just doing it' this morning has meant I've answered emails, made some calls and written more than a 1,000 words - so 'plan b' works when it has to, and who knows 'plan a' may very well kick in this afternoon - yippee!!

Here's wishing you a fabulous day, whether 'plan a' or 'plan b', make it happen, think big - and just do it.

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