I'm always heartened when receiving emails from subscribers to my e-newsletter 'Your Best Life', asking if I'm well, as I haven't sent out the latest edition yet and January now seems like a long time ago. I've been sending out the e-newsletter, which began life as 'hard copy' printed weekly and posted out individually, for 7 years.
Eventually, the newsletter evolved into a monthly e-newsletter, followed up by an update every 2nd week.
Now, at the beginning of this New Year I'm thinking how can I move this project ahead to what we in the personal development field call 'the next level'? I love to write, share ideas with, and keep in contact with people, so a website and newsletters are an obvious and very enjoyable area to be in.
Over the past year I've been building a Blog, not-to-mention finding my feet in the wonderful worlds of Twitter, Facebook, and Linked-In.
I've also separated corporate and personal coaching into two quite separate businesses and websites. Mike Blissett Consultancy has remained dedicated to personal development, including Performance Coaching, NLP, Hypnosis, and online programmes. B2B Coaching handles Business & Executive Coaching, Business NLP, Training Programmes – and most recently the introduction of Business Hypno-Coaching. Called 'Programme For Success', it's the first system of its kind to combine Business Coaching and Business Hypnosis (which include recording sessions to listen to in between times on CD).
So, what next? For me, this has, and still is the busiest period of business/product development I've experienced in the 7 years I've been a Professional Coach.
Yesterday was spent in the recording studio…but that's another blog update.
All I can say for certain right now is 'watch this space'!
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