Monday, 24 January 2011

Knowing When To Take A Break

It's been a busy weekend, with two coaching workshops; one in London on Saturday and the other in Birmingham yesterday. Always lively, fun and a chance to meet and work with lot of new people. I love what I do.

Today is a much quieter day. Yes, there is writing to do and emails to reply to, as well as taking some much needed relaxation time. Everyone, including business owners need time out, a chance to recharge, relax and come back a fresh.

People ordanarily use weekends for this. However, for some people running their own business, this valuable time can get squeezed out, weekends eventually becoming a distant memory.

Time Out
As much as business planning and being pro-active is important, so is honoring the time needed to take away from work.

I help clients explore what the balance is for them, and if it needs adjusting. It helps to think of a 24 hour period in three 8 hour chunks:
  • One 8 hour chunk will account for an average persons' sleep time.
  • Another is dedicated to work or business.
  • And the third is 'you time' - relaxing, recharging, having fun, enjoying personal relationships and friendships, hobbies, etc...the chunk that often gets squeezed first.
It's the balance that keeps us fresh, alive and vibrant. Upset the balance and our well being is effected. Once this happens, it's often a one way route to stress.

Vital balance
Since for many, a modern day reality is to work unusual hours, including for some like me, weekends, making sure we retain balance becomes even more important.

Many find a simple three step approach helps:
  1. Define a schedule. Know when you should be doing what you should be doing. Defining, using whatever scheduling system that works best for you, will help you become aware of how the balance is for you.
  2. Acknowledge your relaxation time. Relaxation is just as productive as work, as is sleep. Sleep and relaxation give you the energy to do your best work.
  3. Add 'spice' to your relaxation. What book did you never get around to reading as a child or teenager? Seek it out and read it. Join the club or class you intended to join last year, but were too busy to. Go on a weekend break with your partner or someone special - and remember, a weekend can be any two consecutive days in your diary - if you work Saturday & Sunday, make it Wednesday & Thursday!
On purpose
By enjoying your life 'on purpose' rather than feeling the victim of it, will give you the balance every successful person needs and deserves.

Wishing you a fabulous week!

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