Friday, 25 February 2011

Walking The Path of Least Resistance

Roger Hamilton, creator of the Wealth Dynamics profiling tool, used by many business coaches, emphasizes the importance of walking 'the path of least resistance' on the road to your success.

But knowing which path might be the one for you to tread is often a journey point at which an individual initially stumbles.

As a coach, I ask three very simple and straight forward questions at the beginning of a coaching assignment; 'why here, why me, and why now?'
  • Why here - what is it in your life or business that brings you to consider coaching?
  • Why Me - what is it about me that says to you 'I am 'the one' you need to work with?
  • Why now - how clear are you about the consequences of taking this action, and also of not taking the action - what's making it a 'must'?
As a business coach, I find that the clearer you are with the answer to the three 'why?' questions, the easier will be the next step that will take you towards identifying your path of least resistance.

Ask yourself now; 'why are you here reading this blog post? Why my blog post? And why is now the time you must take action?'

Answer that, and you've taken the first step.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

What Kind Of Networker Are You?

One of the quickest ways to build a business is with effective networking. However, not all networkers are the same. Deciding what type of networker you want to be could make all the difference.

The ‘1 minute before' networker is the person who arrives at a business event 1 minute before it begins. They time their journey precisely - quick sign-in, get a badge, and straight in to the meeting.

No time to peruse the attendance list; this is 'headlss chicken mode' - in for the kill. A ‘1 minute before’ networker doesn’t realise some people arrive early, or even pre-arrange meetings with other attendees before hand.

The ‘fully plugged-in’ networker – arrives at an event early, knowing who they want to talk with. They don't confuse networking with 'hard sell'. Instead, they have intelligent, focused, relaxed and genuine conversations. Other networkers gravitate to them. They have an authentic air of believability about them. For them, networking is a enjoyable and profitable way to build their business.

The ‘is it that time already? Got to dash!' networker is the type of person who usually leaves, or disappears, from an event when they think no one is looking. Because they don't really plan why they are there or what they want to attract, networking is a trauma - a necessary evil business owners have to endure, to flee from at the earliest opportunity. For them, networking is never a success, as the only connections made are with fellow sufferers.

The question is which type of networker are you?


What would becoming a ‘fully plugged-in' networker do for your business?