Tuesday, 13 November 2007

It's never too early to plan

I know it sounds a little early to be making plans for next year, though as a coach I have a firm belief that now is absolutely the right time.

Imagine New Year, champagne, party, music and too much talking to too many people - and then we decide what we'll be doing over the next year. Doesn't sound the best time, does it? For the last 5 or 6 years I've been doing my end of year 'stock take' and next year planning in November and early December. Taking a moment to realize what went well through the past year as well as what could have gone even better, and then looking ahead to the New Year really does work, and is something I encourager all my Coaching clients to do.

What have I been coming up with personally with my year end planning? Let me do a bit more work over the coming days and then I'll let you know.

So, when would now be a great time for you to look back and say 'thank you' to another year, and then begin thinking about how you can raise the bar in your life through 2008?

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