Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Think Yourself Fitter!

There's been a mass of publicity in the UK this week concerning healthy lifestyles, the type of foods we eat, and what we can expect as a society in the very near future if we don't all start taking better care of ourselves.

There are many amongst us that already eat healthy, nutritious diets, exercise regularly, and generally take great care of themselves. There are also those who don't, and many more who live somewhere between the two.

My experience as a Coach & Hypnotherapist over the past 5 years has been that whilst most of us want a healthier life, we're also somewhat overwhelmed by so much information, much of it conflicting research, and are unsure what to do (and not do) next.

One belief doe finds universal agreement; achieving great health starts with the mind. What we focus on, we become.
Stephen Covey, author of 'The 7 Habit's of Highly Effective People' suggested we 'begin with the end in mind'. Personal trainers do the same. Whenever we join a new gym, the trainer will always ask you what you want to achieve so that they can tailor an exercise programme just for you.

Do you do the same with your overall health? Knowing what you want is one of the keys to any plan. If you ran a race without a finish line would you know how far to run, or even the right direction to run in? The can be said for having fitness plan without a target.
To have an aim is a prerequisite to achieving success, and can begin the process of thinking yourself fitter even before you begin exercising.

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