Wednesday, 17 March 2010

The Next Level: Giver’s Gain

As regular readers will know, for me this year is all about how I can take my business to 'the next level.'

'The next level', whilst powerful, is a generic phrase, and as anyone who's worked with me or has experienced coaching will know it's about being specific. So, to clarify; I'm talking 're-invention', or even better 're-evolution'. I call this being switched on, listening to the changing world and the requirements of the markets and our present/future client base.

One of the greatest lessons learnt from my time with Anthony Robbins Companies a few years ago was about the importance of team, and understanding we will never become as successful alone as we could be as part of a team.

Add to this what Brian Tracy refers to as our 'reference group', the group from which we soak-up and share values, beliefs, adventures, success, and even failure – and then what we do as a result, is fundamental to business success. If we want to raise our standards, improve performance; achieve better business results then we should begin by upgrading our reference group.

This year I'm actively looking to meet some more fantastic, motivated, inspirational, and intelligent new people into my reference group.

Enter BNI 'Riverside' in Putney. Each Tuesday for the last month I've been soaking up their energy and enthusiasm at their breakfast meetings – and believe me, this group of 42 plugged- in, focused business professions can really take the energy and ideas to the next level at 7am like no other!

The one great lesson I've been reminded of and that they've evolved my understanding into so far is the BNI founding principle of 'givers gain' – the belief that 'if I give business to you, you'll want to give business to me'. Of course, we're talking about qualified referrals, which takes the whole 'reference group' to another level.

Over the coming weeks and months I'll be learning, exploring, and implementing.

Watch this space!

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Major Definite Purpose

Knowing what your major definite purpose is immediately separates you, makes you stand out, and rise above the competition - and in the world of business that's essential.

Complete this **FREE** exercise and decide your major definite purpose for 2010.

  1. Write a list of 20 goals you want to achieve during the next 12 months.
  2. For the next week add supporting evidence and information for each goal.
  3. In a week's time pick one goal from your list to really run with and commit to for the next 12 months – the one goal that by achieving would have the biggest positive impact on your life.

That goal you select will be your 'major definite purpose'.

Most people use the 'scattergun approach' to goal setting – attempting to store even the most important of ideas in their head without committing anything to paper – waiting for other great ideas to come along, which they do, and then forgetting about the first great idea without ever having tested it out. With the scattergun approach nothing gets completed or is allowed to reach its true potential.

Commit to deciding what your major definite purpose will be over the next 7 days, and then stick with it over the next 12 months.

You will be surprised how much you can achieve!

So, what's my major definite purpose right now, I hear you ask? To establish B2B coaching as a leading brand and supplier of innovative and fun business coaching solutions over the next 12 months.

Friday, 5 March 2010

Accelerating Success

Thanks to Jack, Sarah, Paula and all the other people who have emailed me with their thoughts about the 'axioms in life' post a few days ago.

Another 'axiom' or often repeated phrase most people accept as true is that 'we become like the people we're around'. I remember a friend once shared the follow on phrase, 'it's not so much what you know, but who you know'.

Brian Tracy suggests people are like chameleons in that we absorb impressions and attitudes from all around us, so if we want to change our lives, or accelerate the success we strive towards we should consider changing or adding to our reference group.

Whether we chose to radically change that reference group, slowly introduce new people to the one we have, or educate present members, it's always amazing how quickly then changes begin to happen.

If you were to upgrade your reference group, add one extra person to the cast of people you currently have in your life – someone, who by adding them life would positively be enhanced - who would that person be?

Thursday, 4 March 2010

The Politics of Body Language

At an event hosted by Shadow Chancellor George Osborn recently when he launched another raft of Conservative Party financial proposals as part of the run up to this years' UK General Election, I was struck by the body language and general communication of those there.

One rule of thumb with communication is that we can never not communicate. Whether our communication is positive, negative, or if we choose not to communication at all THAT is still a communication!

Also, who we are and how we fit into the hierarchy of life changes depending when and where we are, as well as what the situation happens to be. George Osborn and those around him are very much in pre-General Election mode, and needless to say this makes it an even more important time for the Conservative Party, given they haven't won a General Election for 13 years.

So, picture a large auditorium in the plush surroundings of The British Library, 50 plus journalists, also known as 'the pack', television cameras, another hundred or so invited guests (including me), and right at the last minute a special 'surprise' guest just happens to arrive and sit mid-row, three rows from the stage; Conservative Party leader, David Cameron.

In this situation dynamics change, stakes get higher, 'the pack' becomes more powerful – and George Osborn's nervous smile and glance towards the audience from behind his lectern spoke louder than any words could. Of course, he was as eloquent as always, but there was something more…

How he and all the political leaders handle themselves over the next few months will make all the difference.

What will make the difference for you?

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Axioms of Life

The general definition of axiom is that of a statement or idea which people accept as being true. We have many:

  • Birds of a feather flock together
  • What goes around comes around
  • Honesty is the best policy

Anyone who's ever worked with me will know my favourite 'axiom of life' is the amazing Mahatma Gandhi quote; 'be the change you wish to see in the world'. I mention it to clients when coaching, as well as including it within most of the workshops and training courses I do.

For me, 'being the change' it's about living life 'in action', and as such is a great bedrock belief for any budding entrepreneur or business person.

As a coach and trainer, I get to experience many variants of what 'in action' might be for different people, and since I work predominantly in the area of motivation can tell you that can be anywhere from zero to a hundred. Yet, as another much repeated saying suggests 'we get out of life exactly what we put into it'.

So what do you put into your life? To what degree are you 'being the change you wish to see in the world' right now, on a daily basis? And then the big question; 'what else could you do to raise that score even higher?'