Friday, 5 March 2010

Accelerating Success

Thanks to Jack, Sarah, Paula and all the other people who have emailed me with their thoughts about the 'axioms in life' post a few days ago.

Another 'axiom' or often repeated phrase most people accept as true is that 'we become like the people we're around'. I remember a friend once shared the follow on phrase, 'it's not so much what you know, but who you know'.

Brian Tracy suggests people are like chameleons in that we absorb impressions and attitudes from all around us, so if we want to change our lives, or accelerate the success we strive towards we should consider changing or adding to our reference group.

Whether we chose to radically change that reference group, slowly introduce new people to the one we have, or educate present members, it's always amazing how quickly then changes begin to happen.

If you were to upgrade your reference group, add one extra person to the cast of people you currently have in your life – someone, who by adding them life would positively be enhanced - who would that person be?

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