Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Major Definite Purpose

Knowing what your major definite purpose is immediately separates you, makes you stand out, and rise above the competition - and in the world of business that's essential.

Complete this **FREE** exercise and decide your major definite purpose for 2010.

  1. Write a list of 20 goals you want to achieve during the next 12 months.
  2. For the next week add supporting evidence and information for each goal.
  3. In a week's time pick one goal from your list to really run with and commit to for the next 12 months – the one goal that by achieving would have the biggest positive impact on your life.

That goal you select will be your 'major definite purpose'.

Most people use the 'scattergun approach' to goal setting – attempting to store even the most important of ideas in their head without committing anything to paper – waiting for other great ideas to come along, which they do, and then forgetting about the first great idea without ever having tested it out. With the scattergun approach nothing gets completed or is allowed to reach its true potential.

Commit to deciding what your major definite purpose will be over the next 7 days, and then stick with it over the next 12 months.

You will be surprised how much you can achieve!

So, what's my major definite purpose right now, I hear you ask? To establish B2B coaching as a leading brand and supplier of innovative and fun business coaching solutions over the next 12 months.

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