Friday, 9 July 2010

People Who Do Business

Today I've been setting up the next step in what I offer on my websites as a Business Leadership Coach, and it's a series of regular teleseminar interviews called 'People Who Do Business'.

Each week I'll be talking with people in business, finding out what they do, how they do what they do so well, and what nuggets of wisdom they might offer you.

Stephen Covey suggests our knowledge has a half shelf life of 2 years. What he means is that unless we keep adding value and knowledge to whatever it is we bring to the world, within 2 years up to half of what we know today will become redundant and out of date.

That's a harsh realisation I know, but true nonetheless. The reality is that the world is evolving at such an incredible pace. For you as a business person - and everyone IS a business person, whether you are employed, self employed, a business owner, student, home mom or dad, or looking for work, because YOU are the product you ultimately bring to the world.

So now you should be asking yourself a question:
  • what am I committed to doing right now and in the future to make sure I'm up-to-date and relevant?
Ideas can be all shapes and sizes; from starting a charity/opening your own innovative business/developing a new product to help getting more computer skills/learning a 2nd language/writing that book you've always promised yourself. You'll know what it is you need to do.

Whatever it is for you, make sure it's labeled 'fun' and a 'stretch' in equal measure - it's how we grow as people.

For me, one of the ideas I want to bring to you is my new 'People Who Do Business' calls. They're coming soon, and already I have a world renowned jeweler, a marketing expert, a Law of Attraction strategist, and a multi-millionaire entrepreneur lined up.

More news to come very soon!

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