Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Refuse The Gloom!

Watching the news this morning on the television at the gym, I found myself getting more and more angry with the way the reports just came coming out; bad news/scandal/more bad news/another scandal - we all know 'bad news sells', but this was overkill (no pun intended)!

This morning's 'biggie' covered the slight fall in house prices here in the UK. However, what followed was 10 minutes (repeated every 20 minutes or so) of endless speculation that this could be an indication of a double-dip recession.

Thankfully, Tuesday's are special, as they are the day of my BNI breakfast club meeting. That means a 5am wake-up call in order to get to the 7am meeting. BNI (Business Network International) have had a phrase over the last couple of years, in that members 'refuse to take part in the recession'. That's not to deny a recession took place, but that as business owners the question then became 'so, what are we going to do about it'.

Here's the thing; as a coach and trainer my one central message to more than 15,000 people I've worked with over the past couple of years is that we tend to get in life what we focus most on. So, if we focus on what we don't want, we'll probably get more of it. However, if we focus on what we do want, we can also expect to attract/produce more of what we do want instead. It's always a choice.

As someone who used to work in banking and mortgages before I retrained as a coach, I appreciate what's happening in the markets at the moment. But nowadays as a coach and trainer, I also see how well people are working themselves out of recession, getting those orders in, growing their shops, factories, offices and agencies. Sure, the economy is still wobbly - that's what we've elected the Government to sort out - and what we have to do in the meantime is collectively STAY POSITIVE.

So, let's refuse to take part in the gloom.

If the news is bad, bad, bad or you're not getting the results you want right now, ask yourself 'what do I want instead'? State your aim in the positive, and work towards achieving it.

And the TV news...remember to balance out all the bad news with equal, or even more, amounts of good stuff. Seek it out every day, I promise once you start looking you'll notice it everywhere.

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