Monday, 2 August 2010

Growing Your Business

Someone asked me the other day for any top tips I might have to grow a business, and whilst these change slightly the larger the business, for the most part I'd suggest the following routes to success.

Meet as many people in your marketplace as possible. Network, join groups and organisations, take part in forums, debates, accept invitations to presentations, and be proactive with any online marketing and social media you’re interested in.

Two great nuggets of advice I was given several years ago and by which I run my business are:
    1. ‘People buy people before they buy products and services.’ This means, at some level and to a certain degree, future potential clients or buyers of your products need to ‘get’ who you are and what you/your company does first. You can build your profile face-to-face by meeting and getting to know people, plus use the Internet for regular newsletters, a Blog, Twitter, Facebook, Linked-In, etc.
    2. ‘People buy from people they know, like and trust’ – and it’s the last point, ‘trust’ that can take a while, which is why being a regular networker, attender of events, speaker, or social media writer can make such a difference. Simply, when people get to know you and what you/your company does, when they need your service or product they’ll think of you rather than search out a competitor.

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