Friday, 17 September 2010

Is The Juice Worth The Squeeze?

I first heard this phrase at a conference a few months ago, when keynote speaker Rob Brown used it to great effect in a room of 700 delegates.

'Is the juice worth the squeeze?'

Rob was talking from a business networking point of view; do the results your presently getting justify the time and effort you're putting in?

Because, if not then something needs to change.

It's amazing how in life, and especially in business, many of us keep doing what we've always done, even though the world and everything in it has long since moved on.

Phrases like, 'it's what I've always done/it's just the way I do things/better the devil you know/same old same old/just keep plodding on', tell the listener, 'there's noting new or exciting here.'

Input Activity = Output Results
So, thinking about the effort and energy you put into your business life, ask yourself, 'is the juice worth the squeeze'?
  • Are you getting the results you want?
  • Are you being heard?
  • Does the world really know you exist?
  • Are you making a squeak when you know you'd really like to make a noise?
If the answer to any of the above is 'no', then now would be a great time to do something about it.

September is a new season, a time to 'get back on track', refocus, lay down new plans, begin new projects, set fresh objectives - clear your throat and the call out to the world loud and clear, 'I'm hear and I exist'.

It's about setting your stall, afresh.

If the juice you've been getting is not worth the squeeze, now is the time to define what 'juice' would be.

As Stephen Covey once said, 'before climbing that ladder to success, make sure it's leaning against the right wall'.

...and before you start squeezing your fruit of success, make sure it's the kind of success you want - otherwise the juice can taste pretty sour.

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