Friday, 3 September 2010

Something Different

It's often said 'if you do what you've always done you'll get what you've always got'.

In business coaching, it's always a bit of an eye opener in the initial 'discovering how you do what you do' phase when I get answers like:

- 'it's what I've been doing for years.'
- 'it's just what I know.'
- 'I can't do anything else.'
- 'it was really successful...6 years ago!'
- 'Well, I'm too old to change now.'

One of the realities of business is that, over a period of time, the goal-posts move and change. Call it progress, evolution...the market getting tougher, or more opportunities coming your way - keeping your eye on the target will have a major impact on the business results your enjoy.

Ask yourself the following questions: how is you're business growing now? How were you growing it 2 years ago? Is it the same? If so, how are the results different?

Do you know if you are getting the best return on your investment - and by investment I mean everything you are and what you bring to your business; your time, emotional buy in, employees, CPD - everything? Because, if you're not getting enough, it's only a matter of time before you lose interest, give up, or even worse, fail.

To take the phrase at the beginning of this blog post to the next logical level, 'if you want to get different results, you'll have to take different actions'. It's as simple and fundamental as that, and it's where most business owners have the most challenge.

Can an old dog learn new tricks? Is it possible for a leopard to change it's spots? In business it's a must.

So, ask yourself today: 'what else can I do, or what new skills do I need to learn to enable me to do something different'?

Because at the end of the day your business success will depend on your ability to adapt and change with the demands of a changing world.

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