Monday 19 April 2010

Top Tips for Young Entrepreneurs

This is a ‘cut & paste’ of the reply I just posted on Linked-In, it’s part of an excellent thread by my friend Bev James, MD of The Entrepreneurs Business Academy. If you want to follow and/or contribute to this or other threads sign up or go to your Linked-In.

Here are my top tips for young entrepreneurs…

1. Have a 'magnificent obsession.' Top entrepreneurs are usually pretty obsessive about their goal, whilst they measure, research, plan etc, they come from a place of 'how can I make this happen' rather than 'what if this doesn't happen'.

2. Assemble a power team. As Anthony Robbins says, 'no man (or woman) is an island' - we will never be as successful alone, as we could have been with a team around us. Great entrepreneurs inspire others. They give hope and a chance to ride along with 'the dream', and because entrepreneurs exude enthusiasm and focus, they attract fellow experts, making assembling the power team possible.

3. Keep on, keeping on. Successful entrepreneurs stay the course; they don't give up. If a plan doesn't work, they examine what happened, make adjustments, and get back on with the journey. As a jet flying between New York and London (granted, not this week...), off-course 80+% of the time contently resets the flight plan whilst keeping focus on the destination, so an entrepreneur takes action, makes adjustments, and keeps his/her eye focused on the target.

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