Wednesday 13 May 2009

Having A Dream

I just watched the clip of Susan Boyle doing her audition on TVs 'Britain's Got Talent' again for the 3rd or 4th time, and it's still an inspiration.

For anyone yet to catch the clip or see the show, her audition shows us all just how important it is to keep whatever our dream in life is alive - even if you happen to be 'nearly 48' as Susan told the judges on the show. She still believed that the only reason she hadn't made it in the music business yet was because she hadn't been spotted by the right people, which was her reason for attending that day.

Of course, there's other 'work' that needs to be done, such as preparation and developing your skill in any way you can, and clearly Susan had with the sound of her beautifully trained voice.

But how many of us simply give up on our dream before we've even begun? American motivational speaker and writer Brian Tracy believes we usually give up before we've even tried once! Whether we tell ourselves not to be so silly to believe we could have such a dream, or those around us with the best of intentions talk us out of it - to save us making a fool of ourselves.
After all, less than once means we never really tried at all.

Check out Susan's audition for yourself on You Tube and ask yourself, 'what's my dream?'

And begin to live it today.

Life is not a dress rehearsal, it's the real thing.

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