Wednesday 19 January 2011

Great Speakers

If you think back to the most powerful, inspirational, most poignant speakers in history, who comes to mind? JFK, Gandhi, Martin Luther King?

What makes a great speech memorable? Words are important, as is the subject matter, but it's got to be so much more than that.

It's the panache, the attitude of the speaker (and the crowd), the 'eye candy' - not necessarily in the conventional sense, but more that everything about the speech; the setting, energy, and even the moment in history has to be on the button, or 'on brand' as my branding expert Andy Patterson-Jones calls it.

It's now 50 years since President John F Kennedy's inaugural address. Click here to find some top tips and analysis from that speech as discussed by the BBC, as well as an opportunity to hear it again.

On of the measures of a great speech is its longevity. Having listened to JFK's again myself, I can honestly say the impact in his delivery hasn't lost any of its energy and passion, even half a century later.

Truly one of our greatest ever speakers.

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